Friday 31 May 2013

May's Lessons

If there is one thing the month of May taught me it was that doing some daily for 30 days is hard and with life its almost impossible. Especially when it isn't simply posting your thoughts of random facts on a blog but actually completing a task. The goal of this month was to get out of my rut and try something new and stick to a goal, but in the process of doing that I did some self discovery of another type. I don't like having to do something every day! I don't like feeling pressured into completing a task and when overwhelmed with life and work I simply start to shut down. So in the middle of May I chose to end my challenge (my stomach has thanked me) and take some much needed R&R instead. I became addicted to the Vampire Diaries...any fans can understand that allure...I mean Damon, how can you not fall for his bad guy act! I drank an excessive amount of tea (David's tea is my addiction of choice) and truly did nothing.

So for the month of June I have decided not to force a daily post or weekly blog update but an unplanned posting of whatever life throws my point in boring you with daily drama for no reason :) But expect frequent updates of the fun adventures I am sure to take with my amazing boyfriend, ridiculous dog (she's a cute 'little' 3yr old black lab border collie), my best friend and family! the most memorable for the month being my birthday!!! Stay tuned for my trip to Mexico with my best friend at the end of the month for my 21st birthday! Getting in shape for that bikini clad trip is definitely a priority this month...but my brother did just pick up kettle bells for me so we shall see how that plays out. I have heard it is quite intense, any avid kettle bells enthusiasts wanting to share some tips on proper technique?

Everyday is a new day and everyday I plan on living to the fullest, so back to my Daydreamer tea and Vampire Diaries for a perfect end to a very busy month! :)

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